Father, almighty and eternal God, whose praise is sung throughout all creation and whose glory is proclaimed by all peoples. You create us in love and call us to our eternal destiny of loving communion with You. May the parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel be a place where Your Name is hallowed and Your chosen ones are united in Holy Mass with Your Son in praise and thanksgiving.
Lord Jesus Christ, Word of God, Incarnate of the Virgin Mary, You manifest the Father’s love and reveal His will for us. May we always be aware of our Baptismal dignity as the Children of God by our sharing through the Holy Spirit in Your Sonship, and so respond to Your call in service of each other, our parish, Holy Mother Church and the world. Holy Spirit, Advocate and Spirit of Truth, You breathed your life into the Apostles at Pentecost, inspiring them to be preachers of the Word. May we always be open to Your promptings that our parish may be renewed in praise of God and in living the truth in charity. Our Lady, Mother of the Church Pray for us Our Lady of Good Counsel Pray for us |
Sunday Masses
Vigil 5.30pm 11.00am; 5.30pm Daily Mass: 10.00am (Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Friday after 10.00am Mass – 11.00am Confessions: Saturday 10am-12noon (parish hall); 4.30-5.15pm (church) 1st Wednesday of the month 7-7.30pm (church) Vespers 1st Wednesday of the month at 6.30pm Novenas: Wednesday after morning Mass:
Church cleaning: Sat 10am. New volunteers welcome. |
PARISH PRIEST SURGERY Fr Lappin will be available in the hall on Saturday mornings from 10.00am til 12 noon (10.00-11.00am on 3rd Saturday of the month) for anyone who wishes to see him. This may be for Confession, to share a spiritual or personal difficulty, to discuss a Baptism or marriage, or simply to chat. MONDAY MORNING MEN A men's group has begun in the parish. We meet on Monday morning, 10.30am -12.00pm. Breakfast rolls and friendship. Come and join us. VESPERS Evening Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours will be prayed in the church at 6.30pm on the first Wednesday of the month at 6.30pm. ST PEREGRINE NOVENA The Novena is celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of each month (15 February 2025). Holy Mass will be celebrated at 11.30am, followed by the Novena. Please join us in the hall for tea/coffee afterwards. |
Our Lady of Good Counsel
6 Broompark Circus Glasgow G31 2Jf |